Understanding employee engagement with the firm


Employee engagement is the buzzword of the modern corporate era. With the Covid Pandemic hitting all sectors alike and work from home becoming the new norm, employee engagement has gained more importance than ever.

What do we mean by employee engagement?

Employee Engagement is the emotional connect that a person feels towards his organisation. It has huge impacts on the way they behave, their working culture and effort put in their daily activities. It is basically creating a workspace where employees feel motivated towards their jobs. Needless to mention, higher employee engagement is directly related to Employee Satisfaction.

Benefits of Employee Engagement

  • When workers feel motivated they put in added efforts to run that extra mile for the appraisals they get.
  • Higher employee engagement would also mean higher retention in companies. When employees are satisfied with the role and are given sufficient autonomy for learning and self-development, there is little reason for them to venture elsewhere.
  • A higher number of the engaged workforce produces 26% more revenue per employee. Thus, an increased employee engagement would lead to an improvement in the overall performance of the company.
  • Enthusiastic workers are less tempted to lag work, delay projects or call in sick leaves.
  • There is a direct relationship between the employee’s work culture and customer satisfaction. Happy employees lead to satisfied customers turning into higher profit and revenue generation.

Role of the Management in implementation

Management plays a key role in determining the level of engagement at the workspace. It is the managers that deal with the team members and therefore are largely responsible to ensure a healthy and committed mindset. Engaging workers is all about creating an ecosystem where everyone feels valued for their work and can clearly visualise their role in the overall development of the firm.


HRs, Managers and Supervisors would have to be careful as to what their subordinates feel about themselves and their role in the firm. Employees can be segregated into categories depending on their work and association with the firm. Actively Engaged are those people who know what they are doing and are striving to find methods of improving each day.

Tools to implement Employee Engagement

Every change starts with analysing the flaws in the current situation. Effectively engaging employees is far easier said than done. That is why it is needed to take help of certain technical tools. One such site goes by the name of www.effectory.com. Apart from being one of the leading employee engagement platforms, the team behind it understands what it truly means to engage employees. They have their own unique surveys to collect feedback on multiple dimensions. They help to analyse feedback and achieve strategic change inspiring goals within the organisation at the individual, team and organisational levels.

Whilst Employee Engagement grows steadily, sites such as Effectory strive to make life just a little easier. It’s modern, all-encompassing techniques are the precisely what you need for your firm.


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