7 steps to reduce your expenditure per month
1. Apply for a reduction of your credit card rate Ideally, you should stop using your credit card until you are well settled in your financial front. However, you, you can ask your lender to […]
1. Apply for a reduction of your credit card rate Ideally, you should stop using your credit card until you are well settled in your financial front. However, you, you can ask your lender to […]
Online shopping Most utility providers are encouraging their clients to choose paperless bills by giving them incentives. You can enjoy some amount of discounts, e.g. Npower has discounts for all their clients getting their bills […]
How does it work? You buy the life policy by making annual premium payments. Upon your death, the beneficiaries you had specified in the policy are given the amount you had taken in the policy. […]
Unlike going to the store and bringing back a bag of groceries, buying insurance is buying a promise. This promise is an assurance that if something bad happens to your business, home or other assets, […]
Insurance can be defined as a financial product sold by insurance companies to protect your property or yourself from possible risk of damage, theft or loss. Some insurance are a legal requirement such as motor […]
It is usually not the end of the road in the event that your car has been declared a write-off after being involved in an accident. The insurance company will value your vehicle’s market value […]
Every person who has taken up insurance policy dreads the moment they are informed that they do not have insurance. That being said, there are several explanations as to why an insurance claim can be […]
The kind of protection you require and your prevailing circumstances will greatly influence how much life insurance cover is good for you. Some of the things you could be protecting may include your mortgage, loans […]
A career as an investment banker is an attractive one due to its high-profile nature and huge salaries. As an investment banker, you are basically a corporate financial advisor. The investment banker advices the government […]
It is possible to deduct the fees that you pay your investment manager since the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) considers this as deductible expenses under certain conditions. Once you understand the policies of this deduction, […]
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